Hello, and welcome to my website. I hope you enjoy flicking through and finding out a bit more about me, my interests and my latest projects. 

Thank you for visiting.


The Master’s Rose – Script

My studio floor was covered in sheets of paper, images, jotted notes and glue (family members did make references to ‘A Beautiful Mind’). I wanted to create something you could actually touch – something you could spread out and rearrange to get an immediate feel for the film.

For the next month I did a deep dive into the movie concept, fleshing out the outline, doing some more tailored research, compiling images and creating physical lookbooks.

The Master's Rose - Movie

The story Born Of Thorns inspired Lukas to compose this piece. It perfectly combines the more sombre elements of the story with the underlying theme of hope.

Under The Holly Tree - Music Video

“We're too young to realise that certain things
are impossible. So we shall do them anyway.”
- Amazing Grace, 2006